English Publications Regarding Venerable Yinshun’s Works

On this page you will be able to find the official English publications regarding Venerable Yinshun’s works. Some are available for free download, while some are available in hardcopy and can be purchased for a minimal fee to cover some of the printing and postage costs.

These works are all distributed by the Yinshun Cultural & Educational Foundation. At times some works are also accessible from other distributors in North America and Australia. These are indicated in the information related to each book.

The Significance of Life and Death
福慧隨身書No.001: 生死大事

Author: Venerable Yinshun

Date of Issue: November, 2022

This is a short article looking at the Buddha-dharma’s teachings concerning cyclic existence. In this teaching Venerable Yinshun provides us with clear and concise explanations on crucial matters relating to death, life and the karma leading to cycles of birth and deaths. This short but important article gives us a Buddhist view of cyclic existence and how to live our life such that our future will be bright.

Translated by Yinshun Cultural & Educational Foundation Translation Team.

Published by Yinshun Cultural & Educational Foundation.

Attaining No Physical Suffering from No Psychological Suffering A Speech Given at the Losheng Sanatorium
福慧隨身書No.002: 從心不苦做到身不苦

Author: Venerable Yinshun

Date of Issue: January, 2020

Here we have a special teaching from Venerable Yinshun. Unlike the more technical and in depth works he is renowned for, this teaching reveals the importance of actually using the Dharma to bring tangible relief from suffering.

Translated by Yinshun Cultural & Educational Foundation Translation Team.

Published by Yinshun Cultural & Educational Foundation.

Discourse on Practicing and Studying the Buddha-dharma
福慧隨身書No.003: 談修學佛法

Author: Venerable Yinshun

Date of Issue: July, 2024

People who are serious about their Buddhist studies need to understand how to go about studying and practicing the Buddha’s teachings. In this article Venerable Yinshun clearly highlights the important goals and the process for studying the Buddha-dharma. This is a precious teaching that can help us systematically approach our study of Buddhism.

Translated by Yinshun Cultural & Educational Foundation Translation Team.

Published by Yinshun Cultural & Educational Foundation.

The Buddhist Perspective of Wealth
福慧隨身書No.004: 佛教的財富觀

Author: Venerable Yinshun

Date of Issue: July, 2024

When we learn the Buddha’s teachings, the common topics that may come to mind concerns compassion, kindness, meditation, emptiness and so on. Little would we realize that the Buddha also taught us how to go about earning and managing our wealth. The beauty of Buddhism manifests clearly when it is disconnected with our daily lives and so it is important to understand how we should go about making a living and spending our hard-earned wealth in accordance with the Dharma. This article covers this topic about wealth management from the Buddhist perspective.

Translated by Yinshun Cultural & Educational Foundation Translation Team.

Published by Yinshun Cultural & Educational Foundation.

How to Universally Apply Buddhism in Daily Life
福慧隨身書No.005: 道在平常日用中

Author: Venerable Yinshun

Date of Issue: August, 2020

An important reflection on what it means to learn and practice Buddhism. Important foundational concepts are explained, such as understanding/wisdom, right confidence and the crucial aspect of applying the Dharma in daily life.

Translated by Yinshun Cultural & Educational Foundation Translation Team.

Published by Yinshun Cultural & Educational Foundation.

Confidence and Its Cultivation
福慧隨身書No.006: 信心及其修學

Author: Venerable Yinshun

Date of Issue: August, 2020

An insightful explanation on the importance of confidence (faith) in the Buddha’s teachings, how to develop it and how to recognise blind faith.

Translated by Yinshun Cultural & Educational Foundation Translation Team.

Published by Yinshun Cultural & Educational Foundation.

RRecollecting Buddhas, Being Vegetarian, Reciting Sūtras
福慧隨身書No.007: 念佛、吃素、誦經

Author: Venerable Yinshun

Date of Issue: Auguest, 2023

This is an article that draws together Venerable Yinshun’s teachings on the three main practices of Chinese Buddhists. This article provides a clear explanation about the practices of recollecting buddhas, being vegetarian and reciting sūtras from the Mahāyāna perspective. It also clarifies some perceived anomalies that manifest between Buddhism in different regions. This is a great article for all to read if the aim is to understand the principle behind these practices and how to uphold them as part of daily life.

Translated by Yinshun Cultural & Educational Foundation Translation Team.

Published by Yinshun Cultural & Educational Foundation.

An Explanation on the Uniqueness of the Law of Cause and Effect over “Three Time Periods”
福慧隨身書No.008: 論三世因果的特勝

Author: Venerable Yinshun

Date of Issue: November, 2022

In this short article, Venerable Yinshun compares the main theories concerning our existence and its origins that are prevalent in the world. Through this analysis we can see the unique and superior quality of the Buddha-dharma’s doctrine concerning cyclic existence and how the right view of existence can help us lead a better life.

Translated by Yinshun Cultural & Educational Foundation Translation Team.

Published by Yinshun Cultural & Educational Foundation.

Virtuous Practices of Lay Buddhists
福慧隨身書No.011: 在家眾的德行

Author: Venerable Yinshun

Date of Issue: September, 2021

Virtues in Buddhism are built on universal human morals but further enhanced through the wisdom and practices taught in the Buddha-dharma. Here you will find a very practical guidance on the essential virtues that householders following the Buddha's teachings should aspire to.

Translated by Yinshun Cultural & Educational Foundation Translation Team.

Published by Yinshun Cultural & Educational Foundation.

Repenting for Karmic Hindrances
福慧隨身書No.012: 懺悔業障

Author: Venerable Yinshun

Date of Issue: August, 2020

The Buddha’s teaching on dependent co-arising can also be witnessed in the evolution of Buddhist practices. Venerable Yinshun presents the development of the practices on repentance as adapts to changing situations across time and space.

Translated by Yinshun Cultural & Educational Foundation Translation Team.

Published by Yinshun Cultural & Educational Foundation.

The Ultimate Meaning of Learning the Buddha-dharma
福慧隨身書No.013: 學佛之根本意趣

Author: Venerable Yinshun

Date of Issue: September, 2021

In this short article, Venerable Yinshun discusses the deeper meaning of learning the Buddha-dharma. To full appreciate the beauty of learning the Buddha-dharma and embodying its teachings into our thoughts and behaviors, we need to reflect on life, our existence, how we live our lives, and our role in this universe.

Translated by Yinshun Cultural & Educational Foundation Translation Team.

Published by Yinshun Cultural & Educational Foundation.

The Development of the Bodhi Vow
福慧隨身書No.014: 菩提心的修習次第

Author: Venerable Yinshun

Date of Issue: August, 2020

A valuable teaching on the role of the bodhi vow in the Mahāyāna practice. Venerable Yinshun goes into detail on the foundations of the bodhi vow and a step by step process to develop the bodhi vow. A must read for all who aspire to the bodhisattva practice.

Translated by Yinshun Cultural & Educational Foundation Translation Team.

Published by Yinshun Cultural & Educational Foundation.

The Core Tenet of the Buddha-dharma is Great Compassion
福慧隨身書No.015: 慈悲為佛法宗本

Author: Venerable Yinshun

Date of Issue: April, 2023

Compassion is a universal virtue, but in Buddhism there is the term "great compassion". This teaching provides a detailed explanation on the meaning of great compassion in the Buddhist context and its key role in the cultivation of the Buddhist path.

Translated by Yinshun Cultural & Educational Foundation Translation Team.

Published by Yinshun Cultural & Educational Foundation.

Benefiting Others and Oneself
福慧隨身書No.016: 自利與利他

Author: Venerable Yinshun

Date of Issue: November, 2022

Someone once questioned, how can Buddhist benefit people when they themselves have not attained liberation? This short and insightful response by Venerable Yinshun clearly explains the concept of benefit in the Buddhist sense and dispels many of the misunderstandings that have arisen over time. From a Buddhist practitioner's perspective, this teaching is a great reminder of how we should diligently bring benefit to others as we progress on our spiritual path.

Translated by Yinshun Cultural & Educational Foundation Translation Team.

Published by Yinshun Cultural & Educational Foundation.

Ānanda’s Faults
Huayu Collection, Volume 3 《華雨集》第三冊: 阿難過在何處

Author: Venerable Yinshun

Date of Issue: April, 2023

This article, Ānanda’s Faults, is more of a research paper using records of a certain historical event in Buddhism’s history to try and get a glimpse of the situation at that time. The article draws on the texts from both the Southern and Northern traditions of Buddhism. Consequently, in our translation where the Southern tradition texts are quoted Pali spelling is used and where the Northern tradition texts are used then Sanskrit is adopted. This is to avoid confusion in the situation where parallel texts of the same name from both traditions are referenced.

Translated by Yinshun Cultural & Educational Foundation Translation Team.

Published by Yinshun Cultural & Educational Foundation.

Synopsis on the Practice of Wisdom in Buddhism (Part 1)

Author: Venerable Yinshun

Date of Issue: January, 2020

In this particular teaching Venerable Yinshun investigates many aspects of wisdom as defined in Buddhism. In Part 1 the scope of this teaching includes a look at the comparative types of wisdom in different worldly religions and Buddhist practices, the many types of terms used to reflect the concept of wisdom, the characteristics of the ultimate wisdom in Mahāyāna Buddhism.

This work is a free distribution article and all are welcome to click on the download icon to get an electronic copy.

Translated by Yinshun Cultural & Educational Foundation Translation Team.

Published by Yinshun Cultural & Educational Foundation.

Synopsis on the Practice of Wisdom in Buddhism (Part 2)

Author: Venerable Yinshun

Date of Issue: January, 2020

Part 2 contains the all-important practical issue of how to develop wisdom. It canvasses the object of insight meditation, the process of developing wisdom and the outcomes and marks of accomplishing wisdom.

Translated by Yinshun Cultural & Educational Foundation Translation Team.

Published by Yinshun Cultural & Educational Foundation.

The Three Essentials for Learning the Buddha’s Teachings

Author: Venerable Yinshun

Date of Issue: December, 2017

This is a short but important teaching on the Three Essentials of faith, compassion, and wisdom that make up the core of the Buddhist Mahāyāna practice.

This work is a free distribution article and all are welcome to click on the download icon to get an electronic copy.

Translated by Yinshun Cultural & Educational Foundation Translation Team.

Published by Yinshun Cultural & Educational Foundation.

An Investigation into Emptiness (Parts One & Two)

Author: Venerable Yinshun

Date of Issue: February 28, 2017

This insightful teaching by Venerable Yinshun is finally accessible to the English audience due to the efforts of translator Venerable Huifeng and the Noble Path Buddhist Education Fellowship of the USA.

This book is available for purchase at a cost of $300 NTD. Distribution rights in Taiwan reside with the publishing house, Zhengwen Publishers.

For those who are in Taiwan, if you would like to purchase a copy, please contact Zhengwen Publishers (https://www.yinshun.org.tw/publication/zw_agent.html).

It is also available on Amazon.com

Purchase price: $300 NTD / $10 USD

A Sixty-Year Spiritual Voyage on the Ocean of Dharma

Author: Venerable Yinshun

Date of Issue: January 31, 2009

An English translation of Venerable Yinshun’s work, A Sixty-Year Spiritual Voyage on the Ocean of Dharma, has been published by the Noble Path Buddhist Education Fellowship of the USA. This is a biography focusing on the causes and conditions guiding Venerable Yinshun to research, teach and publish the many Buddhist texts that he is respected for.

This book is available for purchase at a cost of $300 NTD. Distribution rights in Taiwan reside with the publishing house, Zhengwen Publishers.

For those who are in Taiwan, if you would like to purchase a copy, please contact Zhengwen Publishers (https://www.yinshun.org.tw/publication/zw_agent.html).

It is also available on Amazon.com

Purchase price: $300 NTD / $10 USD

Introducing Venerable Yinshun to the West

Author: Bhikṣu Changtzu

Date of Issue: December, 2017

This interesting book is a series of lectures given in the USA by Venerable Changtzu. It provides clear explanations on Venerable Yinshun’s teachings, a valuable resource for the English world wanting to access Venerable Yinshun’s wisdom.

This is a free distribution book and all are welcome to contact one of the distributors closest to you for a copy or click on the download icon to get an electronic copy.

Published by Yinshun Cultural & Educational Foundation.

Distributor Details

Taiwan distributor 臺灣流通處

    Yin-shun Cultural and Educational Foundation 印順文教基金會

  • No. 7, Ln. 28, Xianzheng 9th Rd., Zhubei City, Hsinchu County 302048, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
  • service@yinshun.org.tw
  • Tel: (+886-3)555-1830
  • Fax: (+886-3)553-7841
  • 郵政劃撥:19147201
    Foreign Remittance

North American distributor 北美流通處

    Yin Shun Foundation 印順基金會

  • 67 Lawrence Road, Lafayette, New Jersey 07848, USA
  • request@yinshun.org
  • (+1-973) 960-1448

Australian distributor 澳洲流通處

    Maya Vihara Buddhist Dharma Centre

  • 3188 Wombeyan Caves Road, Bullio, NSW, Australia, 2575
  • shi.yanrong.2011@gmail.com